Special Price
Regular 5.99 €/mo.
- 1 Website
- 1 GB NVMe SSD Storage
- Unmetered Traffic
- Free WP Installation
- WordPress Autoupdates
- Free SSL
- Daily Backup
- Free CDN
- Free Email
- Softaculous Auto Installer
- Unlimited Databases
- Mssql Support
- Multi PhP
- DDoS Protection
Special Price
Regular 9.99 €/mo.
- 1 Website
- 5 GB NVMe SSD Storage
- Unmetered Traffic
- Free WP Installation
- WordPress Autoupdates
- Free SSL
- Daily Backup
- Free CDN
- Free Email
- Softaculous Auto Installer
- Unlimited Databases
- Mssql Support
- Multi PhP
- DDoS Protection
Special Price
Regular 14.99 €/mo.
- Unlimited Websites
- 10 GB NVMe SSD Storage
- Unmetered Traffic
- Free WP Installation
- WordPress Autoupdates
- Free SSL
- Daily Backup
- Free CDN
- Free Email
- Softaculous Auto Installer
- Unlimited Databases
- Mssql Support
- Multi PhP
- DDoS Protection
Super Fast Web Hosting Service
You don’t like slow websites. Neither do your visitors. Neither do you for that matter. If your site is slow, your visitors are just going to find a different site to buy from or get their information from. You’ve worked too hard on your site. Don’t let that happen to you! Make the decision right now to host your sites on our exclusive, high-speed Web Hosting platform. The bottom line is we’re faster than competing web hosting services.
Our ultra-reliable, high-performance web hosting is here to help you and your sites succeed. You can even choose to host on our Ultra-Fast Servers for page load speeds up to 40X faster than those competing hosting solutions!
Either you own a business, a Blog, or a Personal website our Web Hosting Plans are Tailor Made for you!

Fast CMS Hosting
Our WebHosting supports multiple CMS platforms like WordPress, Joomla, Drupal or other CMS

Blog - News Web Hosting
Host your News website on our Super fast servers and take advantage of our Premium Plugin and Template Packs!

Online Store E-shop Hosting
For an online store Loading speed and stability is very important, in SovaHost we guarantee that your website will load fast and will be online at all times!

Fast and SEO Friendly
Boost your SEO and Rank Worldwide with our Premium CDN!

Automatic Backup
Your website is safe with us!,We automatically create daily, weekly, and monthly backups of your entire website.
High Performance Web Server technology
Superior Performance.Measureable Benefits.

LiteSpeed WebServer
LiteSpeed Web Server is the leading high-performance, high-scalability web server from LiteSpeed technologies.

LiteSpeed Cache Plugin
Highly-customizable server-level caching solutions, LSCache plugins are designed to hyper-charge popular web apps with little to no configuration required. Turbo-charge popular web apps with minimal fuss, handle traffic spikes with ease, and precisely manage cache with powerful Smart Purge technology.
LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress
LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress provides powerful cache-management tools that are simply not possible for other plugins to replicate.
This translates into more page requests per second, and superior performance for your WordPress site!

LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress
Internet shoppers are impatient, many of them not waiting more than 5 seconds for a page to load! With LiteMage added to your Magento 2 store, you can keep potential customers’ attention right from the first page load.
Compare the page load time of LiteSpeed Web Server with LiteMage against other web servers and cache solutions, and see the LiteMage difference for yourself!

LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress

LiteSpeed Cache for PrestaShop
LiteSpeed Cache for PrestaShop 1.6 and 1.7 supports multiple stores, multi-language, multi-currency, geolocation and mobile view. The sophisticated tag-based system allows a targeted cache purge to be triggered by builtin events as well as third-party programs.
Use ESI to “punch holes” for personalized content on public pages, and serve fully-cached content to both logged-out and logged-in users.

LiteSpeed Cache for Drupal

LiteSpeed Cache for Joomla
Compare our free OpenLiteSpeed web server + the LSCache extension to other server+cache solutions.
LSCache for Joomla delivers significantly more requests per second, and delivers superior performance for your Joomla site.

LiteSpeed Cache for OpenCart
LiteSpeed Cache for OpenCart 2.3 and up includes a sophisticated tag-based structure. This system allows a targeted cache purge to be triggered when product data, including category or manufacturer, has changed.
Use ESI to “punch holes” for personalized content on public pages, and serve fully-cached content to both logged-out and logged-in users. ESI also allows you to cache shopping carts, even after items have been added.

LiteSpeed Cache for Laravel
The LiteSpeed Cache Package for Laravel is free and open source. It provides a sophisticated tag-based cache management system that can be used with LiteSpeed Web Server’s built-in cache module to process public and private cache for your Laravel sites.
With the LSCache package, you can deliver better performance and a superior user experience.

LiteSpeed Cache for Shopware
Shopware, an ecommerce platform for small businesses and major brands alike, supports fully responsive online stores. Add the LiteSpeed Cache extension available exclusively through AIXPRO, and accelerate your store with a flexible server-level full-page cache. LiteSpeed’s sophisticated tag-based structure allows a targeted cache purge to be triggered when product data changes. Never worry about purging too many or too few of your shop’s pages!
With Edge Side Includes, your customers will be served fully cached pages, even when the pages include personalized content, such as shopping carts.

Get Started Fast & Easily At SovaHost!
We’ve got you covered whether you want to move an existing site to SovaHost, build a new site or if you want to start an online store!

Build A New Site
Build a beautiful website easily using our Premium Templates, or use our Premium Website Design Service.

Move Existing Site To SovaHost
Our Experts will transfer your website from your current provider to SovaHost in no time and free of charge!